how the arts can help

Your Business

Arts & Culture fill us with inspiration and joy, but they also have reverberating impacts on our community. The effects of the arts can be felt broadly in areas as wide-ranging as health and wellness to prison recidivism. With this in mind, we think your business can benefit from tapping into the multifaceted power of the arts. While the list of benefits is as expansive as your imagination, we drilled down three areas that can benefit from engaging with the arts.

attract customers

Setting your business apart can be difficult in today’s competitive business climate. Companies continuously seek innovative ways to help them stand out from the crowd. Partnering with the arts can help your business differentiate your brand, leading to more customers and increased profits. The arts can help you communicate your company story by engaging customers and clients and conveying your unique values.

engage employees

Many successful companies emphasize training and engaging with their employees as part of their core business practice. Valuing employees and building a positive work environment helps reduce turnover and inspires loyalty. The arts can help train, entertain and engage with your staff. The arts reveal and enhance the breadth of talent and creativity among employees and teams by cultivating the creative thinking skills your business needs.

build community

The arts are essential to developing a vibrant and diverse community where people want to live, work, shop, visit and contribute. A dynamic and healthy arts sector fuels the economy, creates social cohesion and connectivity, and cultivates empathy.
  • Economy: Eugene’s arts and culture sector creates jobs, boosts local businesses, and supports the long-term health of our economy. Spending by arts and cultural organizations and their audiences is a significant piece of Eugene’s economy. This spending ripples through our community for the benefit of all.
  • Social Cohesion: Community cohesion is vital in creating a shared vision for a collective future. Arts participation contributes to social cohesion by reducing isolation, encouraging cooperation and building community networks.
  • Empathy & Understanding: The arts improve cross-cultural understanding, promote dialogue and create a common ground for celebrating diversity and pursuing equity. Partnering with the arts allows your employees, company and community to understand diverse cultures and ideas better and helps build an inclusive workforce.

The power of feeling united and connected to our community is essential. From a business perspective, many consumers are also putting increased importance on companies to reflect their own values of community and to give back locally.

Help Your Business

Quote Mark
Creativity belongs to the artist in each of us. To create means to relate. The root meaning of the word art is “to fit together” and we all do this every day. Not all of us are painters but we are all artists. Each time we fit things together we are creating – whether it is to make a loaf of bread, a child, a day.
— corita kent
Quote Mark